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Thank You to Our Donors

Here is a glimpse of what we accomplished together:


Innovative Teacher Grants

Since 2016, the HET has awarded $82,933 in grants to support Haddonfield innovative teachers.
The HET awarded $14,804 to our 2022 recipients, supporting innovative projects that will impact all students from K-12.

Student Scholarships

In June 2022, nearly $400,000 in scholarships were awarded to the HMHS Class of 2022 at the Senior Awards Ceremony, recognizing students' accomplishments for leadership, character, service, scholastics, sportsmanship and the arts. You can support scholarship funds through the HET. Reach out for more information!


JDS Legacy Fund Scholarship

Former HMHS Drama Club members have created a scholarship fund named after beloved former director John Shaw.
In 2022, the fund raised $12,000. The first scholarship recipient will be selected from  he HMHS Class of 2023. More information on the scholarship and how to donate can be found here.

HMHS Auditorium Improvement Fund

The HET hosted two events in 2022 to benefit the HMHS Auditorium Fund: the Annual Golf Tournament in June and Rally in The Alley in November. Thanks to incredible support, these events raised nearly $90,000. The HET will continue fundraising for the HMHS Auditorium Fund in 2023. The last significant structural upgrade to the auditorium was in 1988. New floors and new seating are district priorities, and we also hope to fund new theater sound and lighting technology. You can support our $250,000 goal by donating here.


Haddonfield Educational Trust 
2022 Donors

HMHS Auditorium Improvement Fund Donors

1st Colonial Bank

Adam Puff, Haddonfield Financial Planning

Adrienne Pappas

Alison Andrus

Allie Nagle ReMax One

Allison Gagner

AM Realty

Amanda Owren


Amy Crutchfield

Amy Henry

Amy Kamp

Anderson & Shah, LLC

Angela Cheatham

Anthony Hollingworth

Ashley Nurkin

Barbara and Jack Tarditi

Barry and Lynn Raus

BJ Kraemer

Brown & Brown

Brown & Company, LLP

Capehart Scatchard

Carla Roy

Carol Barbano

Catherine L Smith

Charles Klaus

Cheryl Laney

Cheryl Tarditi

Chris & Lisa Wolschina

Christopher & Debra Bailey

Christopher Matranga

Claire Ventola

Claudia Oceguera

Conner Strong & Buckelew

Cynthia McDonnell

Dan & Tanya Genel

Dan Silvestri

Daniel Keenan

David McGonigle

David Nepa

David Siedell

Deborah Robins

Denise & Joseph Serico

Denise Brubaker

Devon Perry

DeYoung Financial

Dominic Janney

Donald & Nancy Clement

Dynamic Language Services LLC

Ellen Duncan

Eric & Joana Carlson

Eric Bonnette

Erica Burgoon

Erin Pukenas

Foreman-Smart Family

Francis Fantozzi

Francis Sweeney


Get Danielle - Danielle Meeker

Glenn George

Guaranteed Rate

Haddonfield Theater Arts Center

Heather Paoli

HMHS Class of 1987

Holly S Rowell

Honora Moore

Hurley and Associates

InfoStream Solutions

Inkwood Books North LLC

James & Diana Flanagan

Janet Carassai 

Jason Moore

Jean Shea

Jennifer & Brad Bono

Jennifer & Sean Leonard

Jennifer Asselin

Jennifer Douglas

Jennifer Gallagher

Jennifer Houck and Joe Peda

Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Norwood

Jennifer Thompson

Jesse Thon

Jessica Lucas

Jill & Craig Wolff

Joanne Connor

John and Maureen Grozier

Jordan Massad

Judith Wilson

Judy Bull

Julie Green

Karen Swartley

Katherine Haas

Kathy Morris

Ken & Vanessa Allen

Kerrith Gray Miller

Kett Enterprises

Kim Rohlfing

King's Road Brewing Company

Kristen & Brian Poliafico

Kristin Flowers

Kristin Redmond

Kristy Shea

Kulzer Dipadova

LAN Associates

Lauren & Brian Breen

Lauren Boucher

Lauren Budesa

Lauren Klentak

Lauren R Bell

Law Office of Matthew V. Portella

Leonora Ball

Leroy Pease III

Linda & Bob Hochgertel

Linda Nussey


Lisa Blaber

Lisa Walker

Lisa Wolschina & Associates

Lori Quintavalle

Lynn Connor

Lynn Hoag

Lynn McDevitt

Matt O'Neil

Matthew and Megan Ritter

Matthew Maguire

Maureen and Jim Eyles

Megan Griffault

Merri Votta

Michael Gorman

Mike Nuckols

Mimi Beane

Mimi Sullivan

Nancy Sullivan

New Road Construction

Nicholas Fish

Nicole Mordell Goetter


Parker McKay P.A.

Patricia Hoffman

Paul Donahue


Peter Crawford

Philadelphia Partners

Rachel & Michael Shim

Ralic Real Estate Group LLC

Retirement Plan (k)onsultant, LLC

Robert Martorana

Robert Ratti

Ryan Rutherford

Sandra Guerrieri

Sara Blackburn

Sara DeCelis Little

Scott Fleming

Shani Nuckols

Shannon Finegan

Sharyn Bucci

Show Management Solutions

Stephanie Benecchi

Subaru of Cherry Hill 

Tara Ryan

Team Tax Solutions LLC

The Colleen Hadden Group

The Fishtank Coworking Space

Theresa Ciemny

Thomas & Michelle Smith

Timothy Fitzpatrick

Tito's Handmade Vodka 

Todd Kershaw

Tony Solimine

Victoria and Neil Cummins

Wendy Conover

Wendy Mallon

YALE School 

JDS Legacy Fund Donors
2022 Key Contributors

Carol J Fleming

Christopher Campbell

David Diehl

Edwin Hann

Elizabeth McDowell

Elizabeth Tourtellotte

Glenn M Ryan

Helen Patel

Herbert Hess

James C Dye

Jeffrey Gottlieb

Jeffrey Holman

Jennifer O'Neill

John Ringler

John Shaw

Karen Friesen

Kathy & Dennis Tully



DiBartolo's Bakery

El Nopalito

HazelNut Bakery

Mare Monte

Nothing Bundt Cakes


Passariello's Pizzeria and Italian Kitchen

Pizza Crime

Seashore Smoothies

Sparrow's Snacks

The Unstoppable Hackbeats

Wanda BYOB

William Heritage Winery

Wine Works

Lance Schnatterly

Lauree Padgett

Laurence Faigenbaume

Lisa Patterson

Madelyn Scarpulla

Marcia Carroll

Mary Kelly

Mary Patz

Max Semiglazov

Mildred Massey

Philip Nobel

Philip Ritchie

Rebecca De Oliveira

Rebecca R. Bushong

Shelley Adler

Stephen Quickel

William Schilling

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Contact Us

© Copyright 2024 Haddonfield Educational Trust




PO Box 178

Haddonfield, NJ 08033

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