The Haddonfield Education Trust is a non-profit public charity that is dedicated to enhancing the educational excellence of the Haddonfield Public Schools. As a non-profit organization, separate from the Haddonfield Board of Education, the HET manages certain scholarship funds and other investments for the Board of Education. In addition, the HET solicits and receives gifts, grants and other donations that are used to benefit the Haddonfield Public Schools and its faculty and students. Among its recent initiatives, the HET has funded over $20,0000 in Teacher Grants that enable teachers to pursue projects and initiatives outside of the budgetary constraints of the Board of Education.The HET has also committed to funding other capital projects for Haddonfield schools.
Support teaching excellence and student success
Maintain relationships with education donors
Provide support thru supplemental fundraising such as grants and sponsorships
Create meaningful fundraising events
Raise funds that will benefit Haddonfield students now and into the future
Raise funds for educational and creative projects that enhance the curriculum of our schools
Serve as a conduit between education-minded donors and the School District
Develop partnerships and promote collaboration between the schools and community groups throughout the Haddonfield area
Provide scholarships to graduating seniors at HMHS
Why is this important?
Haddonfield Public Schools have always ranked among the top in the state and the nation.
We’ve achieved this status and our many accomplishments despite an archaic and unfair state funding system that bases HPS’s allotment on property values and per capita income. This outdated system provides inadequate funding far below the state average. HPS is typically the lowest funded school district in Camden County. Without additional funding, HPS will have to make tough decisions that threaten sports, science, music, art programs, class size reduction, health education and technology.
HET – Why Support Us?
The Haddonfield Educational Trust, Inc. believes that effective community, corporate and alumni support is needed to provide the best educational opportunities for our children. When you make an investment through the Haddonfield Educational Trust, you’re making a statement that you support education in your community and that our children deserve the best.
By working with individuals, community groups and corporations, we hope to ensure that the quality of education our students enjoy meets or exceeds that of the finest private schools in the country, and at a cost that’s a fraction of private school tuition.